Faith Balloon πŸ’•

heart valentine's day Jan 29, 2025

This heart balloon design features the word faith as its string, creating a simple yet meaningful piece of art. We originally made this for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but it’s a great project for any time of year. With soft pink tones, a touch of sparkle, and an easy process, it’s a fun and beautiful piece to create!

Use a sponge brush to paint your canvas with Metallic Pearl White, along with the edges as well. To achieve a smooth finish, pull the paint with your brush in one direction. Dry with a heat tool.

Grab your tracer, tape it to your canvas, place graphite paper underneath, and trace the heart and word "faith" with a stylus. 

Apply a base coat of Poodleskirt Pink to the heart and dry it using a heat tool.

For the second coat, apply another layer of Poodleskirt Pink, and while the paint is still wet, blend White into the left side and Dragonfruit Pink into the right. Incorporate a touch of Cinnamon Drop throughout for added depth. To enhance dimension, add a subtle swipe of Dragonfruit Pink and Cinnamon Drop to the left side as well. Dry with a heat tool.


Use a black Posca Pen to outline the word "faith" on your canvas and dry with a heat tool. Next, take your graphic pen to add short, quick strokes outlining your heart balloon.

Let's add glass! I'll add Starfire glass to the right side of the heart. 

We're going to elevate our canvas using blocks. Put on rubber gloves. Mix 1/2 oz total of ArtResin and stir gently for three minutes. Pour the resin onto your glass and canvas and use your gloved fingers or brush to spread it over the entire piece. 

Use a heat gun to pop your bubbles. Keep your heat moving at all times! Finally, I'll sprinkle Crystal Luster seed beads on top of the glass to make it even more sparkly. I'll also add Pink Luster seed beads along the other side.

If you don’t want to miss my Facebook LIVE art instruction, make sure you are on my texting list. I always text 10 minutes before I’m going to go LIVE, so you won’t ever miss it. You can text “Hey Cindy” to 901-519-2923.

*Supply lists and tracers are only available to members of The Shattered Circle. If you'd like to learn more about member benefits or get on the waitlist, click here.

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