Got Any Grapes? 🍷

drink Jun 11, 2024

Looking for a fun and unique art project? In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create stunning glass art using half of a wine bottle. This project, set on an 8x14 canvas, combines painting and glasswork to form a beautiful bunch of grapes, complete with purple flat gems and vitrigraph. I'll guide you through each step, from painting the canvas to adding the final glass details!

Start by painting the sides and front of your canvas with a light yellow, like Golden Glow. Dry with a heat tool.

Grab a metal palette knife, dip the back of it in your Golden Glow again, and lightly swipe it up and down your canvas. I'll also do the same thing with Burnt Orange, blending the two colors together. Do the same thing on the sides of your canvas, and then dry with a heat tool.

Next, I'll use a script style stencil to add some texture to my background. Lay your stencil onto the canvas, dip a stencil brush into Metallic Gold paint, and then swirl it off onto a piece of paper towel. Then, apply the paint in different areas of the stencil in a circular motion. Dry with a heat tool again.

Next, we are going to add our grapes to the bottom left area of our canvas. Grab your tracer, tape it to your canvas, place graphite paper underneath, and trace the grapes with a stylus. 

Use a flat brush and dip just the corner into Traditional Burnt Umber paint, then swish it against your palette to offload a bit. Swipe your paintbrush to create a shadow around your grapes and underneath where your wine bottle will be.

Paint your grape leaves with Lush Green. Add a second coat and blend in Golden Glow and white paint for depth. Paint the stem with Traditional Burnt Umber and add the tiniest bit of white. Next, take a dauber to add purple paint to your grapes. Add white paint to a few of your grapes with the dauber again. Dry with a heat tool and then use a graphic pen to outline and add detail lines to your grapes and leaves.

Mix 1.5 ounces of resin and stir gently for three minutes. Pour a thin layer of resin onto your canvas and spread it using a silicone brush. Then, place the flat purple gems onto your grapes. Drizzle a layer of resin on top and then add another layer of gems on top to fill in any holes and gaps. Drizzle more resin on top.

Take your wine bottle half and use your finger to apply resin on the inside edges of the bottle. Place your wine bottle onto your canvas and add resin on top of the entire bottle. 

Finally, I'll add in a few pieces of vitrigraph to create a curly stem for my grapes. Drizzle extra resin on top. Use a heat gun to pop your bubbles. Keep your heat moving at all times! 

If you don’t want to miss my Facebook LIVE art instruction, make sure you are on my texting list. I always text 10 minutes before I’m going to go LIVE, so you won’t ever miss it. You can text “Hey Cindy” to 901-519-2923.

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