Lemon Twist 🍋

fruit summer Aug 28, 2024

I'm sharing how to make this creative glass art project where we’ll be painting a bright and cheerful lemon-themed piece. I’ll walk you through each step, from tracing the lemons onto your canvas to adding vibrant colors and finishing touches with glass bottle rings. This tutorial is perfect for anyone, whether you're a seasoned artist or just starting out!

Grab your tracer, tape it to your canvas, place graphite paper underneath, and trace your lemons with a stylus. You don't have to trace all of the details, but just the shape of your lemons.

Next, we will paint our background with a blend of Desert Turquoise, Bahama Blue, and white paint, making sure to go around our lemons. Paint the sides of your canvas too, and dry with a heat tool.

Paint your leaf with a basecoat of Hauser Green Light. Dry it with a heat tool and add a second coat of paint. Add shadows with Plantation Pine and highlights with white paint. 

Now, let's work on our lemons!...

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